TrisZaska's Machine Learning Blog

Implement Perceptron in Python

1. Introduction
2. History and Overview about Artificial Neural Network
3. Single neural network
4. Multi-layer neural network
5. Install and using Multi-layer Neural Network to classify MNIST data
6. Summary
7. References

Implement Perceptron in Python

We went through many stuffs about Perceptron. Hope it clear to you, if it's quite subtle for you, don't worried, we're going to implement all of this materials in Python and if you have time, just play with some codes for yourself to get better intuition. In this exercise, we're going to use Perceptron to solve the arbitrary input and output, says
Firstly, we need to initialize the input matrix X and the target label y
Then, we also need to install Perceptron before learning the data Alright, we installed the Perceptron, let’s use it to learn the above data,
And the error curve,
After 50 epochs, the errors decrease to 0 and we have correctly desired output with the updated weight. So, we did about Perceptron, we'll go to another Single Neural Network is Adaline (ADAptive LInear NEuron) is considered to be interesting because it proposes some concepts about define and minimize the cost function that using in a lot of advanced machine learning algorithm afterward.

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